Feb 21, 2024

Welcome to Family Record!

Hey folks! This is Family Record, a simple way to archive family audio and video recordings. It's self-hosted, static-file-based, and completely customizable.

Source on GitHub

Here are some of the basic features:

  • Supports audio and video files
  • Simple content and blog tools built in
  • Send a link, play the recording, no accounts or apps
  • Great for in-laws and app-averse crowds

So how does this work under the hood? I'm glad you asked!

  • Static site built by Middleman
  • Source on GitHub, deployed and hosted by Netlify (both free)
  • Works with MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video), more formats soon
  • Mobile-ready, HTML-only media players
  • Flat files, keep all you original recording files

This is a quick first release, keep an eye out for future releases. If you want to pitch in, contact @clarklab.